воскресенье, 27 января 2013 г.

Idioms for learning English

Вкусные английские идиомы

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nutty as a fruitcake - бестолковый; сумасбродный
e.g. His plan of making money is nuttier than a fruitcake/as nutty as a fruitcake.

slower than molasses - медленный как черепаха
Есть также вариант: slower than molasses in January.
e.g. Can you get dressed faster? I can definitely say you are slower than molasses in January.

cool as a cucumber - хладнокровный
e.g. I expected him to be very anxious before the interview, but he was as cool as a cucumber.

bad apple - плохой человек; подлец
e.g. I thought he was a kind person, but he turned out a bad apple.

big cheese - главный (в фирме); большая шишка (о важном человеке).
e.g. Who is that? That's the senior analyst, the big cheese in the company!

couch potato - лежебока/лентяй, который проводит все свое время перед телевизором.
e.g. Come on! You are such a couch potato. It's time to get a real job at your age.

a lot on my plate - употребляется по отношению к обилию еды; также используется, когда идет речь о загруженности на работе.
e.g. I cannot take on any of these tasks as I already have a lot on my plate.

take it with a grain of salt - отнестись к чему-то критически, с недоверием
e.g. His story are always full of unconfirmed facts. So I take everything he says with a grain of salt.

piece of cake - легко (при выполнении)
e.g. This task was a piece of cake for me.

walk on eggs - продвигаться с осторожностью
синоним: walk on thin ice
e. g. I was walking on eggs when I was delivering the speech to the crowd so that not to stir any panic.

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